
More Photo Credits

Time for another shameless self-promotional post in which I continue to imply my fascination with and fondness for the Creative Commons.

Just discovered that I'm credited, but not properly linked-to, for this photo I took of Ennio Morricone performing at United Nations Headquarters* . Any ideas what language this is? The ".sk" domain is the Slovakia registrar, not that I can read a word of it. I'm guessing they got to my photo via this re-posting of it on the Wikimedia Commons.

Morricone at United Nations HQ

And then I spotted this German site linking to a photo I took of Casa dos Bicos (House of Pointed Stones). I imagine they found my photo via this Wikipedia page about secular Renaissance architecture in Lisbon. Incidentally, we were informed by locals that the building's diamond-shaped stone protrusions were originally tipped with actual diamonds. There are more detailed pics of it in my Flickr set from the Lisbon trip.


* [see My Trip To United Nations HQ]

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