
"VICTOR" Frankenstein

...and other FIRST NAMES you didn't know, from ANGUS MacGyver to FRANK Colombo. My parents always called me by my middle name, which appears to be the strategy many celebrities take, too. What's most fascinating about this list, however, is the comingling of real and fictional characters.

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The Science of Stupidities

Ad-verse's title, not mine... this is a pretty damn good rant about the ineptitude of direct marketers.

Of all the marketers who send their irrelevant "direct" pieces to me, one really needs to read that rant: Micro Center. This computer supply merchant once sent me a sales flyer that had a huge "Your Privacy Is Important To Us!" sticker referring to their great new privacy policy... Problem was, right next to it, they also printed my full name, address and home phone number.

I was instantly livid. My privacy couldn't be more flagrantly violated by a single piece of direct mail. Time for a direct response, and one the company truly deserved. I literally got on the phone and told them to "fuck off", and immediately remove me from every single list they have. I used to shop there at least once a month, but they haven't seen a penny from me since - and never will see one. Ever.